If you can believe it, I was not perfect yesterday. I woke up with the intention of having the most productive day possible, but somehow fell short. I know perfection is an illusion, at least for those of us still calling ourselves human, but I strive for it nonetheless. For me the hardest part is not beating myself up over my own shortcomings.
For years I had a dark figure in my mind that would take every mistake I made and use it to pummel my spirit into submission. This foul tempered beast would pound me into the ground feeling bad for not being perfect, and I would get depressed. The key to beating him turned out to be the simple concept of forgiveness. I had to learn to forgive myself for falling short. I had to love myself enough to know that every day wouldn’t be perfect but as long as I kept breathing there is hope for a better tomorrow.
I can’t claim that there aren’t days when I still feel bad about something that doesn’t work out the way I intend it. However, when I release the power of forgiveness it allows me to see all the wonderful opportunities around me, and appreciate all of the dynamic people I have attracted into my life. So remember to forgive yourself if you’ve been found lacking and keep on pushing to make today better than yesterday,