What will you be focused on this week? Will you be focused on…
Perfecting your role on the team?
Connecting with your team members?
Fine tuning your schedule?
Prioritizing your day?
Getting one deal under contract?
Balance between work and family?
How productive do you think you should be this week? What do you want to accomplish for yourself and for your team? If you had to rate your performance from last week (and you should), what score would you give yourself?
This week I’m going to be focused on making sure that everyone is clear on their role. Although I can sum it up in one sentence (The role of each team member is to find their niche and master it), I know that it can be a challenge to find what you really like to do and make money doing it at the same time.
The good thing is that it’s not impossible to do what you love to do and make money doing it. The important thing to know is that you have to be passionate about making it happen! You have to believe that you can make it happen. You have to have faith that it will happen if you work smart enough and hard enough.
Get hyped up this week! There is a great opportunity before you. Have you ever had someone give you something, but you decided to decline because the person gave it to you with an attitude? Like a little kid that doesn’t want to share? Even the bible says “be a cheerful giver”.
I look forward to being around happy goal oriented people. That energizes me! I’m going to do my part to give you all some energy, I just ask that you all don’t be stingy with yours!
Make it a great week, set your mind on being that driving force that gets one deal to the closing table!! And don’t forget to ask questions! The worst thing that you can do this week is let your questions go unasked and unanswered.
~Matthew Woods