Team, this has been a very productive week thus far, so many great things happening including the team working more closely.
Typically I like to have my inbox cleared out by the end of each day… or by the beginning of each day. Lately, I’ve been shutting down my day with 50+ emails; those that know me well know that I have a little “OCD” when it comes to making sure my inbox is cleared out. At the same time I understand it’s all about balance so I must prioritize which emails to handle first, this is something that we all must do.
Some things will end up slipping through the cracks, and this is why it’s so important to FOLLOW UP. I don’t want an email that you sent to me to “slip through the crack”. So know that if you sent me an email regarding something urgent and I haven’t responded, FOLLOW UP! One of the things that Scott and I both “hate” to hear from the team is “I know you're busy”. Yes, we’re busy but we don’t want to let that get in the way of communicating with the team. We don’t mind when people FOLLOW UP. In fact, we love it! It let’s us know that you’re “on it”.
We all get busy, so it’s important to encourage our team, clients, and family to FOLLOW UP with us especially when we KNOW we’re behind on things. Good FOLLOW UP will make a huge difference when it comes to reaching your goals!