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Balance: Its What We Need

Click Image To See Plate Spinning Video


Plate spinning is an act that I tend to reference a lot when it comes to life and balance. To me, it’s the best visual of a “busy life” that I can think of. The key to being a good “plate spinner” is to keep all of the plates spinning, simple right?

The key to having balance in life is to have the ability to keep everything that you have going on running smoothly. Simple right? Of course not! Some of us may have more plates in the air than others, nevertheless we have to keep what we have spinning and that can be tough at times.

Right now our team has a lot of plates spinning, we have...

  • Team Member Plates

  • Investor plates

  • Owner Occupant Buyer Plates

  • Owner Occupant Seller Plates

  • Renter Plates

  • Land Contract Plates

  • Follow Up Plates

  • Goal Plates

  • Paper Plates

Sorry, disregard the last one I must be hungry! Back to the point, as real estate professionals we’re going to have a lot that we’re expected to deal with. And just because we have a lot that we must deal with, doesn’t mean that we’re all going to deal with it well. So we must have systems in place for the things that we don’t do well.

What task are you not handling well? Do you have a system in place for it? If not, should you have a system in place? Do you need help putting a system in place? Did you ask for help?

My example of what I’m not handling well are the buyers; I don’t like dealing with buyers, I don’t want to deal with buyers, I won’t deal with buyers, buyers drain me (sellers too). However, I’m working on a system that will make dealing with buyers (and sellers) easier for me because I need them both! My systems aren’t 100% complete, but I’m working on it daily so that it will be 100%.

The point is that we all have a lot of things going on, and we can either complain about the amount of things that we have going on, or we can come up with ways to handle it. For me, being weak isn’t an option. Complaining isn’t an option. Becoming weary isn’t an option. Being scared isn’t an option. Giving up isn’t an option. Failure isn’t an option.

Yeah, all of these things will coming knocking at our door, but that doesn’t mean that we have to let them into our space, ya dig? Remember: Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

MAKE it a great day!


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