“The biggest problem with mankind is not achieving the goals they set, the problem with mankind is setting goals.” ~Earl Nightingale
Team Woods is behind on its October goals thus far because we have yet to get 1 deal under contract with each team member for the month. By now, October 5, we should have at least one deal under contract with each of you and we should have 2-3 offers ready to be submitted.
Here are a couple tips as to what we can do in order to get back on track….
Connect with one another: Everyone on the team has a goal to close more deals, everyone on this team knows how to get in contact with everyone else, so please reach out to one another to see what’s possible.
“Fish where the fish are”: We have 3 buyers that are looking to buy right now; 2 of which we’ve closed a deal with in September. Nate is one of those buyers, and he’s looking to flip 3 properties for the month. That’s 6 transactions if my math is right! Nate will be closing on a deal in Redford tomorrow, so although we missed out on being involved with 1 of the 2 transactions, we still can be involved with 1 of the 2 transactions!!
Have a Burning Desire to reach your personal and team goals: You have to WANT to close four deals with Team Woods just as bad as Team Woods WANTS to close four deals with you! If not, it’s like being in a relationship where you’re in love and the other person doesn’t love you back.
Contact Matthew...Often: At any given moment I’ll know of a deal or two that we can move forward on. I have NO PROBLEM sharing the information with you so that we can close the deal.
Here are four tips that I guarantee will get us on track to reach our goals for the month of October. I’ve given up some of my time in order spark the flame of your desire, now it’s up to you to give that spark some energy, some life, some fuel! Let’s make it happen, and let’s make it a great day you goal getters you!