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Here Are My Excuses, What Are Yours?

This month we’re not on track to reach our sales goals. I could come up with some great excuses, but at the end of the day there’s only one reason; we weren’t good enough.

Although we’re making some huge accomplishments with team growth, productivity, and efficiency, we are still too far off with our sales goals. We have a lot of activity, however activity turns into time wasted really quickly if we don’t convert it into closings.

Here are a few more reasons that we’re not on track…

  • Leadership: I must spend more time connecting with the team in order to make sure that everyone understands their role and just how important each team member’s contribution is.

  • Prioritizing: As a team, we’re not focusing hard enough on…

  • Team Communication: Make time to connect with each other. We have a GREAT group and everyone seems to be waiting on a call; pick up the phone and reach out to one another and offer your niche or ask for help.

  • Training: Make time to understand the systems that we’re using. Request training for the things that you don’t understand; we can’t “wing” our way to success.

  • Delegating: We’re taking on too much work as individuals; it might look admirable to play the role of Superman or Superwoman, but being super at everything 12 hours per day 7 days per week is stressful, draining, and unrealistic. I recall a Pastor saying that Superman spent more time being Clark Kent….he had some sense.

  • Systems

  • As a whole the team is not using all of the systems and resources that are available.

  • One on One Calls: We take these very seriously. Everyone on the team has a life equally as complex as the next, but we still must make time to connect. The One on One calls will provide you with the information that you need to be “in the know”.

  • Podio, Emails, and Voicemails: Scott and I get a lot of notifications about a variety of topics, but the notifications are sometime hurled at us from every angle. Yes, it might be easier “for you” to send an email as opposed to uploading it to Podio, or it might be easier “for you” to call us randomly and ask questions, but for us those things make our lives very difficult. Plus this is not a fair exchange when our primary objective is to make life easier for the team. Take some time to learn how to do it our preferred way to see if it works, and if it doesn’t, then you can fault the system :)

These are some of the main issues, that if addressed it would help put the team on track to hit its sales goals. It’s not that we don’t have enough buyers and sellers in the system because we do, we have MORE than enough. We just have to come together and get them taken care of. Which brings me to another area that I’ve dropped the ball on…

Ensuring that customer service is #1. I’ve been too wrapped up into the system that will provide better customer service, but in the process I’ve put our clients last. And yes, I have a ton of excuses and reasons as to why….but at the end of the day the client doesn’t give a hoot about our issues when we’re causing them stress by not doing what we said that we could do for them.

My initial reason for team building and development is to provide THE BEST experience possible for the client like I used to do for so many years. I just realized that I don’t have “providing excellent customer service” as one of my written goals. Shame on me.

That being said, one thing that we’ve come up with to help improve on these issues is the Executive Assistant Campaign. Our goal is to provide each team leader with an Executive Assistant and an Executive Assistant Admin. To learn about the position of an Executive Assistant, click here. We’ll be providing more information on this next week.

Until next week, take some time to consider your own excuses and reasons for not being on track to reach our collective sales goals. Consider what you could be doing more or less of, and what you need to learn to be a more effective team member. We all have fallen short of excellence, so don’t take this note personally, just take it as an excuse to get better!

Make it a great day!!


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