The One Thing
Chapter 10 Pages 117-128
Chapter Title: The Focusing Question
Book Link: Click Here
Buy The book: Click Here

I’m feeling accomplished as I write this entry because it’s a cold snowy Sunday morning and this entry finalizes my writing for the week up through Friday(12/16). Typically I’ll read a chapter and write on it each morning, causing me to lose up to 90 minutes or more per day.
Writing is my “ONE Thing”, and as this chapter suggests, I asked myself a “small focusing question” this weekend: What’s my ONE Thing right now? The answer was to write all of my posts for the week. I then encouraged Scott to do all of the editing this weekend as well.
Now he and I can take that time that we’re going to be saving each morning and investing it into something productive like sleeping in, engaging in thought provoking conversation, meal prepping for the week, working out longer, working on a website, prospecting, etc.
The decision on what to spend that time on will be made after looking at our “Big Picture”. Our goal is to work a 4 hour day, 5 days a week, no weekends, and clear six figures each per year. We plan to make this happen by working with 10 agents and their Executive Assistants (EA) where we’ll assist them each to close an additional four deals a month netting us an average of $500/deal.
We may have to change our plans a bit to get to the goal, but that’s ok. What company has gotten it right on the first try? Those that expect things to remain unchanged during the growth process are fooling themselves. We all have goals that we haven’t achieved on the first try, right?
Not to get it confused if you haven’t started reading the book; The ONE Thing isn’t literally about doing “One Thing”. It’s about focusing on “The One thing that is most important overall and then breaking it down into segments.
For instance, check out Microsoft’s Mission Statement…

It’s about what they’re looking to achieve; it’s their One Thing. However, when you take a look at the company's latest Operating System, Windows 10, it can perform thousands of functions in very little time; more than One Thing. However you have to look at how those many functions contribute to the overall success of turning our PCs into powerful tools to help us reach our potential.
As another example; how fun would it be to eat at a restaurant whose ONE thing was to serve only Meatloaf? That meal could be very good, but I doubt you would come back often unless you had a taste for Meatloaf. On the other hand, a restaurant that focuses their ONE thing on making sure you have an excellent dining experience that makes you want to come back often, sounds like a place I would love, no matter what was on the menu. Make sense?
If it doesn’t, then read the book :)
Until next time, make it a great day!