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Passion and Purpose

Chapter 13 Pages 156-168

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What excites you the most about the Real Estate business? Do you have at least 5 things that get you excited about Real Estate? If not, why are you in this business? I’ve learned through reading and experience that if we want to make it in any business, we have to have more than one reason.

One of the things that I enjoy most about the Real Estate business is negotiating a win-win outcome. I don’t know why that excites me so much, but it does. The fact that I could meet a seller today that I didn’t know yesterday, put his or her home on the market, find a buyer, negotiate a price, close the deal, and make money in the process is very exciting to me. It’s like creating something out of nothing.

To be able to show other people how to do the same is equally exciting. It’s even more exciting when the people I’m teaching are family and friends! I can go on and on as to why I am so passionate about the Real Estate business. And if you’re in this business, you too should be able to go on and on and on.

If you don’t have a passion for Real Estate, then you might want to start thinking about the type of business that you can get excited talk about for hours and hours. You may as well do so now as opposed to down the road when you’re all burnt out, scorned, and bitter because things didn’t work out the way you wanted.

By now we have all made Real Estate related calls only to be yelled at, fussed at, and sometimes even cussed at. Have you ever stopped to think about why? Why would someone who is trying to buy or sell a home become so irate? Should they not be happy that you’re calling them to do business? Truth is, you can easily become that person if you’re in any business that you have no passion for.

Faking happy and excitement only lasts for so long because if you do something that you don’t like long enough, it’s going to start to show in your attitude.

Until next time, make it a great day and stay warm!!


Food For Thought...

  • A life lived on purpose is the most powerful of all—and the happiest.

  • Although we all have a wide variety of specific answers, happiness is what we most want —yet, it’s what most of us understand the least.

  • One of our biggest challenges is making sure our life’s purpose doesn’t become a beggar’s bowl, a bottomless pit of desire continually searching for the next thing that will make us happy.

  • If we lack a “big picture” view, we can easily fall into serial success seeking. Why? Once we get what we want, our happiness sooner or later wanes because we quickly become accustomed to what we acquire.

  • I believe that financially wealthy people are those who have enough money coming in without having to work to finance their purpose in life.

  • To be financially wealthy you must have a purpose for your life. In other words, without purpose, you’ll never know when you have enough money, and you can never be financially wealthy.

  • When you have a definite purpose for your life, clarity comes faster, which leads to more conviction in your direction, which usually leads to faster decisions. When you make faster decisions, you’ll often be the one who makes the first decisions and winds up with the best choices. And when you have the best choices, you have the opportunity for the best experiences.

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