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What's Fair?

From the Book: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Part 17. Surrender to the Fact that Life Isn't Fair

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What's Fair?

I know that life isn’t fair and that it will never be will be, yet each of us has our own definition of what fair is. Some people think that it’s fair to show up to work late, work as little as possible, and still collect a full paycheck. Is that fair?

Some people think that the first come first serve rule should always apply, and there are those that believe that “finders keepers” is fair...until they suffer the loss. The fact is, we all have our own philosophies powered by our own unique experiences, and this is one reason why life isn’t going to turn out the way we want.

Knowing and understanding in advance that life is going to throw you curves can help us deal with “unfair” situations better. For instance, Top Producing Sales People who earn their income from commissions know that there will be times that they’ll do everything right and the deal will still fall apart and have them walk away with nothing.

You may hear Top Producers vent about things that were out of their control on a deal, but inwardly they tend to think about what they could have done differently and what they are going to do differently the next time around. They usually don’t whine and complain about deals falling part because they know that it’s part of the business. The key is for them is to have more deals closing then falling apart.


Food for thought...

What are the characteristics of a Top Producing Salesperson? What do they do differently from the Low Producers? Do you have any idea? Are you willing to do the research to find out? Are you willing to comment back with your research? If you are a Top Producer or a Top Producer-to-be then the answer is going to be yes!

I look forward to your comments you Top Producers you!

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