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Growing Collard Greens in Containers

My best friend Scott "Make it Rain" Fain has proven that you don't need a lot of space to grow collard greens. In this video he breaks down the process step by step. The price of food is going up while the quality is going down, so if we want to "eat good", then we have to start growing our own food on our own land. Yeah, gardening is work, but it's also therapy....especially when you're gardening with the ones that you love.

Scott's Update: "I had some success with growing the collards in a bucket. They grew, but ultimately they didn't grow as large as I've seen them from the ground. On reflection I think my biggest issue was not applying fertilzer regularly, and that I got lax by mid season while working on other projects. This spring I plan to start again with more insight and consistency."


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