How to Become a Great Leader, Tip#2: Delegate More Often
Just because you're great at doing something doesn't make you a good teacher. For instance, you may be a great driver, yet be terrible at teaching someone how to drive due to your lack of patience with "new drivers".
And just because you're great at both driving and teaching someone how to drive, that doesn't mean that you should spend your time doing it, especially if there is someone else on the team that could teach someone to drive just as good as you could if not better.
The point is to utilize your team, that's what they're there for! Empower them to take on tasks that will make your life (and theirs) more productive.
As a leader, you must focus on leadership related tasks. Leadership related tasks will vary from company to company. Here is a short video by John Maxwell that may help you to better understand your overall role as a leader.
To understand what you should be doing as a leader means to also understand what you should not be doing as a leader.