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I Went From Reading 3-4 Books Per Month to 3-4 Books Per Year....

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body"

Today I started reading the book "Between Heaven and Ground Zero". It's a Non-Fiction book written by Leslie Haskin; it details her traumatic experience working at the World Trade Center on September 11th.

I'm on chapter 6 and so far it's been a good read. The author paints a pretty vivid picture of her day leading up to the moment that the first plane hit the tower; it feels like I'm right there with her....seeing what she saw, smelling what she smelled, tasting what she tasted.....and most importantly....feeling what she felt in that moment.

This book is definitely a page turner! I think I'll be done within a day or two. My goal is to get back to reading at least one book a week. At the height of my reading (Before the internet) I'd read 2 books per week, now my average is about 3 books per year! Sad right?

One of the reasons I chose to read this book is because this year, 2021, marks the 20th anniversary (if you want to call it that) of Sept 11th. TWENTY YEARS! Those 20 years have really gone by fast! I remember the day very well. I happened to be working at Detroit Metro Airport that morning, and it's a day that I'll never forget. I'll share my story about my experience in another post because right now I want to get back to the book, like I's a page turner!

The book was turned into a documentary in 2012, check out the trailer...

If you've already seen the documentary or read the book, please share your thoughts below. Or feel free to comment about what you were doing the morning of September 11, 2001, we'd love to hear your stories!

Article by Matthew Woods


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