It was announced on February 25, 2022 that Ketanji Brown Jackson is Biden’s nomination for the open seat on the Supreme Court. This is not a first for a Black American, but it's a first for a Black American Woman.
When I first heard that Biden’s objective was to nominate a Black Woman for the open seat, I had mixed feelings. I thought that he should focus on nominating the best person for the job, and after learning about Ketanji Brown Jackson’s history and experience, I do believe that he did select the best person for the job.
First I must say that Ketanji Brown Jackson is definitely a Black name (check), she is a chocolate-chocolate sista (double check), she grew up going to public schools (triple check), and she was born in D.C. (quadruple check). Brown is definitely Black
But how qualified is she? From what I’ve read and watched, I say very. She’s a Harvard Law School graduate that has already received the approval from both Democrats and Republicans for other judicial positions three times in the recent past.
That’s HUGE in itself, but there’s so much more that deems her to be a good fit for the job….and I’ll sum it up and simply say overall experience. She’s only 51 years old, but she’s been around the judicial block plenty of times.
One of the things that stood out to me is the fact that she served as a Public Defender, and if I’m not mistaken, she’s the first Supreme Court appointee with a history of being a Public Defender. *Republicans typically don’t like judges in the high court to have a history as a Public Defender, I am sure of that.
There are so many more good things that I can say about her, but y’all know I’m trying to keep these posts informative…yet brief, so hopefully you’ll do some of your own research on this amazing woman yourself, and then share her story with a young Black girl or 2, or 3, or 400 young Black girls so that they may be inspired to follow in Ketanji’s judicial footsteps.
This has been a #TeamWoods moment in Black History.