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Pilot’s Diet Day 27 & 28

How much weight did I lose on this diet?

I don’t know, I didn’t do a before and after weigh in. My main goal with this diet wasn’t to lose weight, but to get back to consistent-strategic meal planning, eating healthier, and eating less in general.

If I had to guess, I probably lost about 5-7 lbs, but it actually looks like I gained about 6-7 lbs because I’ve been hitting the weights hard all this month.

The reason that I really dig the Pilot’s Diet is because you’ll lose weight even if you don't follow the meal plan 100%. Of course you can’t go crazy with your cheating and expect to lose weight; it doesn't work like that shawty…you gotta make it make sense.

I believe that most of the diet plans that I’ve seen out there will help you lose weight, that's as long as you don’t go crazy with the cheating, and keep trying. A lot of people quit dieting the moment that they slip up and eat something that’s not on the meal plan.

Trust me, everyone that I know who’s serious about dieting will tell you that making mistakes is a part of the journey, and that you have to keep going even after you mess up.

#365247BeachBody Day 27 & 28


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