The second day of the diet went great!
Me and Johnny D. From Y.O. went on a 3 mile run yesterday, so I knew I was going to need a little extra FUEL.
I went with baked yam and peanut butter for my snack between breakfast and lunch, and then I had pistachios between lunch and dinner.
As for the run, Johnny D. From Y.O. started a competition a while back where he’ll try to make it back to the car before I do. It’s a friendly race that I take seriously. I can’t let this young cat beat me, right?

The race usually starts around the N Phelps St & W Wood St area. There’s a set of about 60 steps that we’ll climb first, then after that it’s on! It’s about a one mile stretch from the starting point back to the car, whoever touches the car first (by any means necessary), wins.
I stress “by any means necessary” because Johnny D. From Y.O. will cut corners in order to win, I don’t mind this, I just know that I gotta watch that Jive Turkey if I want to win! And watch him I did, until….
I watched him until the last 50-60 yards race. I had such a huge lead that my mind started to wander, and then I saw someone that I knew so I yelled “Hello” and kept on moving. I looked back and Johnny D. From Y.O. was no longer behind me.
I immediately realized that he cut a corner that I didn’t even think about until that moment. So now I’m in an all out sprint, and that’s when I see Johnny D. From Y.O. in an all sprint too! We both picked up the pace, giving it everything that we had left!
Moments before I reached the car, I made up my mind that I was going to “charge the base” as if I was a baseball player sliding into home. My plan was to intimidate Johnny D. From Y.O. so that he would slow down in order to avoid the collision.
It didn’t work; he touched the car before I could…and a split second after he touched the car, we collided! All that I could say to Johnny D. From Y.O. in that moment was: “Well played, well played”.
The End
#365247BeachBody Day Three
