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In May of 2017 I got a dog by the name of Jax. Jax is a Husky / Golden Receiver mix. The day I got Jax I happened to be visiting my "brother from another mother" Mike Dodd; I was sitting on the porch when Jax ran up to me and started playing with me. It was love at first sight!

When the owner came to get Jax, I told her how I'd been wanting a dog. It turns out that she was looking to find a new home for Jax, so I told her that I'd take him! Jax and I have been going strong ever since! Prior to getting Jax I hadn't been true to jogging in over 10 years, now I'm doing an average of 5 miles per run and 5 miles per ride.

Typically we'll do 2 workouts a day where I'm either running/biking in the morning and evening. Getting Jax was one of the best decisions that I could have made for my health because now 'm a cardio freak and part time vegetarian lol!


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